Piatok, 26.4.2024
Meniny má Jaroslava

Astrológia a horoskopy - 

Tranzit Jupiter kvadratúra Saturn

neznámy | 5.5.2015 12:25
Už dlhšie sa u mňa prejavuje tento tranzit, pričom Jupiter mi momentálne tranzituje v 5. dome a vytvára odtiaľ kváder na Saturn v 7. dome, kt. je vládcom môjho 10. domu. Dlhodobo riešim otázku práce a odchodu zo zamestnania a zamerania sa kariérne na úplne inú oblasť sebarealizácie v práci. Zdá sa, že tento aspekt sa u mňa prejavuje ako dilema v rozhodovaní, pričom Jupiter mi hovorí : "Osloboď sa konečne a choď do toho!", a Saturn naopak: "Nie, neunáhli sa a vydrž ešte, oplatí sa počkať na lepšiu príležitosť." V podstate je to dosť vyčerpávajúce pre mňa rozhodnúť sa, čo robiť a preto sa vás chcem spýtať, ako ste vnímali tento tranzit a čo vám priniesol? Ďakujem za všetky príspevky.
martinbd | 5.5.2015 20:58
Ja tento tranzit nazývam strata dôvery (alebo viery, optimizmu), prejaviť by sa mal vo všetkých oblastiach, ktoré ovládajú dané planéty. Samozrejme, ide o tranzit Jupitera, netreba to preceňovať. Strata dôvery sa môže ale obrátiť na upevnenie dôvery, závisí od toho, ako to človek dokáže spracovať.
neznámy » martinbd | 6.5.2015 10:43
Okey, ďakujem za reakciu. Jupiter vládne môjmu 8. a 9. domu, vo 8. mi teraz aj Saturn tranzituje. Môže to byť tá strata dôvery a optimizmu, lebo všimla som si na sebe, že som nejako skleslá v poslednej dobe a môj optimizmus sa niekam vytratil. No uvidíme... v každom prípade, je to dosť nepríjemný tranzit a citeľný. Jupiter mi zároveň tvorí ešte kvinkunx na MC s Merkúrom a tranzitujúce Pluto.
martinbd | 6.5.2015 11:26
dá sa to prekonať, ale treba ísť hlbšie. Citeľné to byť môže, ale z dlhodobého hľadiska to asi nebude mať zásadný vplyv.
neznámy | 12.5.2015 14:27
Našla som celkom dobrý popis toho aspektu. Je to síce v angličtine, ale dosť výstižne napísané a mne to sedí s tým čo riešim a ako to vnímam, mám orbis momentálne 0° 39' . Kto má o informácie záujem, nech si prečíta: ;)

Jupiter Square Saturn

Significant changes and opportunities face you at this time, but making the correct decision about what to do is not easy. This is a period of critical decisions and transition. A major change in your life can occur now (new job, relocating, ending a long-term relationship or beginning a new one, etc.). In fact, it is not unusual for several important changes of this nature to be occurring. Unfortunately, you find it difficult to decide whether to go along with the new opportunities or even push harder to make changes occur, or whether to try to maintain the old, familiar life style, routines, and surroundings.

One side of you is impatient to make some major changes. You are tired of the same old routine and life style. You want to break free and get things really moving. You feel there is much more to life, and you are not growing and living as fully as you ought to be. The other side of you is wary of the changes; they may just be pipe dreams and simply lead to considerable stress and disappointment. Underlying all this is the nagging question of what you really value and whether the new opportunities are more worthwhile than your current involvements. Unfortunately, no one can make the decisions for you, and you have to sort things out for yourself.

Clearly, YOU MUST MAKE SOME CHANGES. Letting things remain as they are will lead to stagnation. On the other hand, you must be careful that the changes you make will bring the THINGS THAT YOU REALLY WANT. For example, if you accept a new job only because it brings more money, but you must sacrifice other benefits of your current life style, then you may find afterward that the increase in income was not worth the sacrifices. If you are not honest with yourself or you place too much value on things that are really of secondary importance, then you will make the wrong decision.

Another problem for you now is how to meet all of your obligations, while having time to do the things you want. Your responsibilities are probably similar to those of most people: to family members, to pay the bills, etc. At this critical time you can find new ways to meet these obligations, while allowing yourself more time to do the things you want to do. At the least, you will find that you can rearrange your life, make some significant changes in your daily routine, which are big steps towards leading a more fulfilling life. You may also decide that a more radical change in life style is warranted (new job, relocation, etc.). It is up to you to decide what is really important and how to best balance all aspects of your life. If you are creative, honest with yourself, and willing to go through some adjustments, you will come out much better when this astrological influence is over.

Underlying the changes in your life and the decisions you must make is a change in your values and attitudes towards life. You are now able to see your life from a broader perspective and you seek greater meaningfulness in your life.
neznámy | 12.5.2015 14:27
Omylom som dala posledný príspevok 2x, tak sa ospravldlňujem.

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